Al-Qadisiyah Arts Magazine

Journal Regulations and guidance

Copyright Policy 
The ownership of printing, distribution, and paper and electronic publishing is transferred between the researcher and the intellectual property rights of the journal.

Receiving and delivering of researches 
An electronic system will be opened for receiving and submitting researches required for publication and following up on the evaluation process, as well as a process for checking open sources within known international measurements such as:
(Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE, APA, MLA, Harvard)
The journal adopts the APA style.

The Journal’s website
-It contains an electronic form for submitting research for publication
-It contains an electronic management system for the journal in terms of receiving research and sending it for evaluation and follow-up.
- Contains an official format for (feedback) messages related to comments, complaints and inquiries.
-It contains an official format for letters of acceptance, modification, or rejection of the research and proves the date of receipt of the research along with the date of acceptance.
 - It contains a ready-made form for writing the research in (Microsoft word) format, and an indication of the type and size of the font, the method of writing the sources, and others.
- It includes a method of displaying research within the site as (Abstract) and the entire search (Full Text).
-It contains the rules for publishing in the journal, including details of the mechanism for evaluating research by the editorial board.

Journal Obligations 
The journal adheres to the regulations for creating and issuing peer-reviewed scientific journals at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (attached hereto), as follow:
- The journal contains a clear and detailed publishing policy that indicates its commitment to applying the ethics of scientific research and the conditions of publishing ethics.
- Commitment to transparent arbitration process and specialized scientific references.
- Placing a clear text within the journal's publishing policy that clarifies the journal's commitment to preserving the property rights of researchers.
- The journal contains a pledge form to be filled out by the researcher showing his intellectual property for the research sent for publication and giving him all the rights of copyright, distribution, and paper and electronic publication of the journal.
- Taking into account the journal's policy when attracting researchers in their geographical diversity.
- Checking plagiarism rates for research submitted for publication using specialized electronic programs.
- The journal should have a unified template for writing and publishing research papers, with the journal's logo and the logo of the Iraqi Scientific Academic Journals website installed, and it should be prepared in one of the two formats (WORD) or (LATEX).
- Publishing research summaries in English for research written in other languages.
- Commitment to indexing and uploading the research published in the journal on the website of the Iraqi scientific academic journals.
- Obtaining membership in the Association of Rotary Publishers for Open Access
(OASPA) (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association )
- The magazine is committed to obtaining membership in the global network to make available publications.
- The journal obtained membership in the publishing ethics committee.
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
- Fixing the journal's publishing style clearly by following one of the two formulas
(Instructions for authors) (Guidelines for authors)
- A guide for researchers and another for residents.
- Information about indexing and customizing research (Abstracting H Indexing)
- Clear information for researchers about publishing ethics, including the general principles of scientific publishing ethics.

Journal publishing rules
The research consists of the following parts:
Title, data of the researcher / researchers, abstract in the language of the research, keywords in the language of the research, methodological introduction, theoretical framework and previous studies, research procedures (materials and work methods), results and discussion, references (sources), title in the second language, data of the researchers in the second language, summary Search in the second language, keywords in the second language.
- The number of font levels for the main and sub-headings should not exceed three.

Research Title:
- The address shall be written in both Arabic and English.
- The title should be as brief as possible and express the research objective clearly, preferably in the range of (12) to (15) words. The address should not be so general that the identity of the search cannot be identified.
- The title follows the name of the researcher(s) and the place of work of the researcher (the researcher) in both Arabic and English, with the data of the scientific department to which the researcher belongs and the distinction of the correspondent researcher.

The abstract should be written in both Arabic and English and should be brief and contain the following elements: the problem and importance of the research, research objectives, research procedures, and the most important results and recommendations, if any, and the number of its words should not exceed (250) words.
In the case of using a scientific scale or questionnaire, the size of the sample must be mentioned, and it must be mentioned that the questionnaire or scale has been subjected to scientific evaluation and validity and reliability procedures before it is used in the study.

key words:
You write four to six keywords in both Arabic and English that summarize the research areas of interest, and they are arranged alphabetically (each one according to its language), each in its place, according to the language of the research.

Methodological introduction of Research:  
It should include a scientific summary of the research problem, its importance, the development of the research topic, and end with specifying the purpose of conducting it. In the case of research extracted from or extracted from theses, reference must be made to (that). References are written inside the text if they are at the beginning of the sentence by writing the name of the researcher/researchers’ family followed by the date of publication in parentheses. In the case of writing the reference at the end of the sentence or paragraph and the inference, then in  arentheses write the researcher's family name(s), the first researcher's family name and the word (and others) if the research is for more than three researchers and one, followed by writing the date of publication.

Research Procedures (Materials and Methods):
It should contain details of the method of conducting the research (the research community, sample, research instrument) and the statistical analyzes and references used for them.

Findings, Discussion and Conclusions:
Research findings and discussion can be written under one heading or under two separate headings and conclusions. In the case of tabular data, tables and figures are placed inside the text in the first available location after mentioning them by their number in the text. It is desirable not to rewrite the numbers mentioned in the tables, and it is preferable to indicate their presence in the table or in the figure, and the results are discussed in detail with the help of references or studies related to research. Recommendations and research proposals can be referred to.

List of references:
- The list of references used in the research is written in alphabetical order according to the pattern shown after the last name of the first researcher. In the case of bilingual research, the list begins with the research written in the research language, followed by those written in another language.
- It includes all references in one list, regardless of the nature of the reference. Serial numbering or bullet points are not used, and the date of death of the two compilers is not mentioned. Any explanatory terms such as the word (publisher:) or the word (country of publication:) are not used in reference data. Posting between two points as shown in the bibliography examples.
- References taken from the information network, in which it is necessary to write the detailed address that opens the page for the reference directly and not the general page of the site, with reference to the name of the author and the name of the subject and writing the date of retrieval of the information.
- Do not use CDs and the like as references unless they have a deposit number (and the deposit number is mentioned in the reference data).
- Each reference begins with the family name, followed by the first letter of the first name, then the first letter of the middle name (for reviewers in English), or the family name followed by the first name, then the middle name (for references in Arabic), then the name(s) of the participating researchers is written in the same way. As for the research published by the same researcher/researchers in the same year, they are arranged by writing the letters a, b, c, etc... after writing the date, for example: (2012, a2012, b2012c).

Basic instructions for researchers
- Research papers should be written in Arabic or English. The title of the research and its abstract in English shall be attached to the research written in Arabic, and the title and summary of the research in Arabic shall be attached to the research written in English, provided that the translation of the abstract into English is correct and specialized, and literal translation of texts through translation sites on the Internet will not be accepted.
- Research that involves propaganda, racism, support for extremist or outlaw groups, that does not follow the scientific method, or that deals with legally unacceptable personal positions is not accepted.
- The materials submitted for publication in the journal express the researcher's opinions, results and conclusions only.
- Articles are not published until after arbitration and acceptance for publication.
- The researcher is fully responsible for the authenticity of the transfer from the references used, and the editorial board of the journal is not responsible for any scientific theft that takes place in these researches.

Written undertaking to publish Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Art

I am Mr................................................. .................... Teaching at a university
............................. college .................... ................... The intellectual property of the research ......................... ..........The one sent to your journal is owned by Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Arts, and I signed for it.

  The signature:
  The scientific title:
  The name:
  The university:
  The college:
  The date:

Researcher pledge
We are the teaching researchers (I am the teacher / .......................................... .................................................. .................................................. ................................. I undertake that the research:

Done by/in association with:
Place of work	scientific Rank	The name of the researcher	No.

It is not stolen or stolen from master's theses or doctoral theses that I did not supervise, or from any other research, and that I bear all legal consequences in the event that this information is incorrect.
 Researcher affiliation signature/ the researcher
Signature	researcher affiliation	The researcher
 		the first
 		the second
Seal of the college or institute

Evaluators' Guide to Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Arts
- The main task of the scientific evaluator of the research sent for publication is to read the research that falls within his scientific specialization very carefully and evaluate it according to academic scientific insights and perspectives that are not subject to any personal opinions, and then confirm his constructive and honest observations about the research sent to him from the journal before starting the evaluation process.
- The evaluator must ascertain whether the research sent to him falls within his scientific specialization or not. If the research is within his scientific specialization, does the evaluator have enough time to complete the evaluation process, as the evaluation process should not exceed ten days. After the evaluator agrees to conduct the evaluation process and complete it within the specified period, please conduct the evaluation process according to the following parameters:
o Is the research original and important enough to be published in the journal? Bearing in mind that the research is consistent with the general policy of Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Arts and its publishing regulations.
o Is the idea of research covered in previous studies? If yes, those studies are referred to.
o To what extent does the research title reflect the research itself and its content?
o Statement whether the research summary clearly describes the content and idea of the research?
o Does the methodological introduction in the research describe what the researcher wants to reach and clarify accurately? Did the researcher explain in it what is the problem that he studied? Is the research procedures sound to reach the results? Is the researcher's discussion of the results he reached during his research in a scientific and convincing manner?
- The evaluation process must be conducted confidentially and the researcher should not be informed of any aspect of it.
- If the resident wants to discuss the research with another resident; The editor-in-chief must be informed of this.
- There should be no direct correspondence and discussions between the evaluator and the researcher regarding his research that is sent for publication.
- The reviewer's notes must be sent to the researcher through the editorial director of the journal.
- If the evaluator sees that the research is drawn from previous studies, the evaluator must explain those studies to the editor-in-chief of the journal.
- The reviewer's scientific observations and recommendations will be relied upon mainly in the decision to accept the research for publication or not. It is also requested that the reviewer indicate precisely the paragraphs that need a slight modification that the editorial board may carry out, and those that need a fundamental modification that must be carried out by the researcher himself.

Publication Ethics in Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Arts
Publication ethics and malpractice statement
Duties and responsibilities of the editorial board:
Publication decisions:
The editorial board is the body responsible for approving the publication of scientific papers submitted to Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Arts, after evaluating them and ensuring that they meet the approved publishing conditions and controls, without considering race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy. The scientific value is taken into account, and the standards of scientific research ethics, integrity of work, language, non-quotation and plagiarism are adopted. The editorial board is committed to continuous work to improve the scientific sobriety of the journal, by making papers the publishing decision based on their importance, clarity, authenticity, and meeting the approved publishing conditions and controls that are announced to researchers.

The chairman and members of the editorial board are committed not to announce any information related to the papers submitted to the journal, except for those authorized by its researchers, editors, consultants, and the publisher, as necessary.

Disclosure and conflict of interest:
It is not permissible to use what was mentioned in the unpublished research by the chairman and members of the editorial board for the purposes of their research without the express written consent of the research writer.

Research Evaluation and the Responsibility of Evaluators / Referees:
Contribution to the editorial board's decision:
The process of reviewing the research by the reviewers (arbitrators) helps to make the appropriate decision by the editorial board regarding the research submitted to the journal, and it may also benefit the researcher in improving his research. The editorial board is committed to informing the reviewers (reviewers) of the controls, standards and level of sobriety of the papers that are accepted for publication in the journal, and is also committed to not announcing the names of the reviewers (reviewers) except with the written approval of the reviewer himself.

Accuracy in time:
The selected research reviewer (arbitrator) must notify the editorial board in a timely and prompt manner of the inability to arbitrate and apologize for the evaluation.

Research referees are required to deal confidentially with the research sent to them, and it is not permissible to disclose or discuss it with others except with the competent editor of the journal.

Objectivity criteria:
Law and rules in evaluation (arbitration) and overcoming personal criticism of the researcher when he is not in it. The evaluation must be supported by clear opinions with scientific arguments, and comply with the controls and standards of publishing standards in the journal.

Source acknowledgment:
The reviewer must notify the editorial board that the researcher is not bound by the rules and criteria for publishing in the journal, and ensure that the reference to the sources is correct and that the sources mentioned in the body of the research and the list of sources are identical. And make sure that the ideas, opinions and results presented in the research do not belong to other research. Accordingly, the editor-in-chief must be notified of the existence of similarities or overlaps between the research under arbitration and other published research, according to the reviewer's knowledge. 

Disclosure and conflict of interest
It is not permissible to use the information and ideas presented by the reviewers in the research under evaluation for personal purposes, and the evaluation (arbitral) decision of the research should not take into account the personal competitive and collaborative interests or otherwise with any of the researchers, companies or institutions related to the research.

Researcher Duties
Search criteria:
The researcher/researchers must abide by the publishing instructions and controls adopted in the Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Arts and the style of writing the research, and ensure the availability of solid research standards through the clarity of the research problem, the aim of the research and its limits, and present the results in an accurate and sequential manner and discuss these results in a way that achieves the goals of the research while justifying conducting the research in objective ways. The research should be supported by details of research and work procedures and modern scientific references. The research should not include the results of another research, forged or stolen from another research, because it is considered unethical and unacceptable behavior. (The researcher must sign a pledge to do so).

Authenticity and plagiarism:
The researcher should avoid plagiarism or quoting other people's phrases or ideas and include them as if they were the researcher's own work, or quote without referring to their original source. Note that all research is subject to a plagiarism check before it is sent to the reviewers and the research is accepted.

Multiple, concurrent, or redundant publishing:
The researcher should not send his research to another journal, otherwise it would be in violation of the publishing instructions in Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Arts. The researcher may not send a research under evaluation to another journal that has copyrights. In the event that the researcher submits his research, he has the right to keep the published materials.

The Researchers:
Specific names of the research writers who have made significant contributions to the research steps in terms of idea, design, implementation and research writing should be mentioned. One of them must be appointed as a coordinator for communication with the journal, provided that the approval of the final version of the research is signed and submitted for publication (undertaking).

Disclosure and conflict of interest:
The researcher(s) must disclose the financial support or other types of support provided to them. As well as disclosing any financial difficulties or matters that may affect the results or interpretation of the research.

Fundamental errors in the published research:
The researcher / researchers - in the event of material errors in his published research - is obliged to inform the editor-in-chief or the publisher to correct the research in the form of a typographical error. When the researcher discovers a major error or inaccuracy in his published work, he is obligated to notify the editor-in-chief of the journal or the publisher, and cooperate with him to retract or correct his research in the form of a typographical error.

Requirements for preparing a publication request:
As part of the Submission Process; Researchers must ensure that their applications fulfill all of the following paragraphs, and accordingly; Requests that do not meet these criteria may be rejected.
• This research has not been previously published, and it has not been presented to another scientific journal for consideration (or there is an explanation on this matter provided to the editorial board in the comments section)
• The submission file is in the format: (Microsoft Word 2010).
• Wherever required, links are added to the references used in the research (the links are links to the addresses on the World Wide Web).
• Paragraphs of text with single line spacing, font size (14) points, and all graphics, figures and tables are placed within the text related to them instead of being grouped at the end of the file.
• The researcher's text is restricted to the typical and stylistic requirements contained in the researcher's guide, which is found in the introductory text of the journal on this site.

Researcher Guidelines
1. You must register on the journal's website from the registration link.
2. Download the forms from the site, fill them in, and then re-send them with the research, and the research must be entered in the template attached with the forms.
3. Research submitted for publication is subject to scientific arbitration from experts in the research field.
4. The research should be (new) and has not been previously published or accepted for publication in another journal.
5. The number of research pages should not exceed (20) A4 size pages, and if more pages are added, an amount of (10,000) Iraqi dinars (ten thousand Iraqi dinars) will be added for each page.
6. The documentation must be in the (APA) manner.
7. The page size is (A4), the margins are (2.5) cm on all sides, the space between lines is a space and a half in Times New Roman (12) for English, and a space and a half in Simplified Arabic (14) for research in Arabic, and the space between one line and another is (1.0). ) and file type (Word2010).
8. A summary of the research is presented in Arabic at the beginning of the research and in English at the end of the research, with a limit of (250) words.
9. Putting keywords under the abstract in Arabic and English, not exceeding six words.
10. The research title, the researcher's name, the researcher's affiliation, and the e-mail are written on the first page of the research for the Arabic language. As for the English language, the researcher's name and the research title are written with the summary at the end of the research.
11. The copyright and publishing rights of the research shall be transferred to the journal if the researcher is notified of the acceptance of his research for publication.
12. Research papers are not returned to their owners, whether published or not.
13. The arrangement of research within the journal is subject to technical considerations.
14. The publishing fees are 125,000 thousand Iraqi dinars.
15. An amount of (150) one hundred and fifty dollars is collected for each research as publishing fees for non-Iraqis.
Note: The evaluation of research in the journal is strictly confidential.

Privacy statement
The names of people, e-mail addresses, and phone or mobile numbers saved on the magazine's website will be used exclusively for the purposes stipulated by the magazine, and will not be available for any other purposes or to any third party.